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Israel authorities release Hamas leader hours after arrest

June 21, 2024 at 11:13 am

Aziz Duwaik, the head of the now-disbanded Palestinian Legislative Council. [Photo by qudspress]

Israeli occupation authorities released Aziz Dweik, the deposed speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council and a senior Hamas leader, on Thursday evening. Anadolu Agency reported that this release came just hours after his arrest, citing a family source.

On Wednesday, Israeli forces detained Dweik after raiding his home in the El-Gamaha neighbourhood of Hebron, located in the southern West Bank. Palestinian media reported that the Israeli forces used stun grenades and tear gas extensively during the raid on 75-year-old Dweik’s residence.

Dweik had been released less than a week following eight months of administrative detention.

In a statement, Hamas condemned Dweik’s re-arrest, describing it as “brutal and retaliatory”, noting that it occurred just days after his previous release. Hamas asserted that the Israeli occupation’s attempts to break the will of Dweik and other prisoners would not succeed and would ultimately fail.

The movement called on legislative bodies worldwide, human rights organisations and legal institutions to condemn this act to demand an end to the aggressive and retaliatory practices against Dweik and all prisoners, holding the Israeli occupation fully responsible for his safety and wellbeing.

Read: Israeli army releases 33 Palestinian detainees from Gaza