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Murdered Italian student’s gmail account hacked a month after he disappeared

8 years ago

Italian investigators have revealed that the gmail account of murdered Italian student Giulio Regeni was hacked a month after his disappearance.

Italy’s La Repubblica newspaper reported that after examining Regeni’s personal laptop, investigators believe his computer was hacked using a Tablet that connected to the internet via an Egyptian cell phone or through Regeni’s smartphone.

The paper said the Italian investigators are trying to identify the hackers in collaboration with Google.

The Italian newspaper added that Egyptian officials have repeatedly stressed that they were unable to open it although they had the phone with them.

The Times newspaper has said that the Italian investigators have already asked Google to provide them with details about the smartphone used to hack into Regeni’s gmail account.

The British paper said the request could be vital in identifying Regeni’s killers because Rome believes that the information regarding the computer could be hidden in one of Google’s data banks.

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