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Italy halts supply of warplane parts to Egypt over Regeni row

July 1, 2016 at 2:18 pm

The Italian senate voted on Wednesday to halt supplying Egypt with spare parts for F-16 fighter jets in protest against the murder of Italian student Giulio Regeni earlier this year.

The vote to cancel the free supply of the warplanes’ parts, called the “Regeni amendment”, was passed by 159 votes to 55.

It marks the first time that Rome has taken commercial steps against Cairo, which it accuses of failing to co-operate in a four-month investigation into the death of Regeni.

MP Nicola Latorre of the Democratic Party said the vote was aimed at putting pressure on Egypt to help “the truth emerge more quickly” regarding the student’s death.

Senator GianCarlo Sangalli, who pushed the amendment through, said he hoped it would “send a signal to Egypt”.

In an interview on Thursday with Associated Press, Sangalli said Egypt and Italy remain friends and allies, but that Italy wants to “know the whole truth”.