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Italy: Egypt ‘cooperating’ with Regeni murder investigation

December 31, 2016 at 5:26 pm

Italian Prime Minister Paulo Gentiloni said on Thursday that the Egyptian authorities had cooperated with his country in their investigation over the murder of an Italian student in Egypt this year, Almesryoon reported.

Giulio Regeni, a 28-year-old Italian PhD student at the University of Cambridge, was found dead and dumped in a ditch beside the road while he was on his way to meet his friend in Cairo earlier this year.

During a press conference in Rome, Gentiloni said: “Recently, I found there had been very useful cooperation [from Egypt] and I hope this will develop.”

An Italian news agency reported him as saying: “After the first couple of months followed the killing of Regeni that caused a diplomatic crisis between Rome and Cairo, the Egyptian public prosecutor decided to cooperate with us…This was followed by achieving some good results.”

Gentiloni reiterated that his country was at first deceived by the Egyptian authorities regarding the case of the Italian citizen killed mysteriously in Egypt.

Earlier in December, the Egyptian and Italian investigatory teams issued a joint statement after two meetings held in Rome, stating the latest developments regarding the case and reiterating the importance of continuing cooperation.