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Israeli-Arabs organise go-slow protest in front of Knesset

This protest was part of a series of activities aiming at challenging Israel’s demolition policy.

January 24, 2017 at 11:12 am

Hundreds of Israeli-Arab citizens have organised a go-slow car protest in front of the Israeli parliament in Jerusalem following the state’s demolition of Arab-owned homes and the killing of Yacob Abul Qi’an from Um Al-Hiran.

The protest convoy started in two places, the city of Qulansawe in the Southern Triangle in the middle of Israel and from the Negev, before converging on the Knesset. The go-slow paralysed traffic on one of the main highways in Israel, which connects the north and south of the country.

According to the head of Qulansawe Municipality, Abdel Basit Salameh, the protest was organised in response to the call from the Arabic High Follow up Committee in Israel. He noted that many of the leaders of the Palestinian-Arab community in Israel took part.

Salameh also pointed out that the Israeli police tried to stop the protest on the basis of the congestion that it caused. Police officers tried to give tickets to a number of drivers; one man was arrested.

The head of the Follow up Committee, Mohamed Baraka, said that this protest was part of a series of activities aiming at challenging Israel’s demolition policy.