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Rouhani: We will not accept the US’ threats

February 10, 2017 at 12:07 pm

Image of Iranian President Hassan Rouhani [Vahram Baghdasaryan/Anadolu Agency]

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani warned today that his country would not accept the US’ threatening language, saying Washington would regret its words.

Speaking during a march marking the 38th anniversary of the 1979 Islamic Revolution that overthrew the Shah and established the Islamic Republic, Rouhani said the turnout was a sign of “people telling the world through their presence that the Iranian people must be spoken to with respect.”

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“Iranians will make those using threatening language against this nation regret it,” he said.

“Our country’s history witnessed oppression and colonialism, but the 1979 revolution liberated Iran… and put the fate of the people in their hands.”

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He noted that the possession of nuclear energy is “a natural right acknowledged by the world”, stressing that Iran will continue developing its nuclear programme.

The Iranian president also noted that his country filed a complaint in the International Criminal Court against the US due to American President Donald Trump’s decision to ban refugees and citizens from seven Muslim-majority countries, including Iran, from entering the States.