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Bahrain’s Al-Islah: Ongoing campaign to discredit us

7 years ago
Image of Bahraini Foreign Minister Khalid bin Ahmed al-Khalifa on 17 April 2016 [U.S. Department of State/Flickr]

Bahraini Foreign Minister Khalid bin Ahmed Al Khalifa [U.S. Department of State/Wikipedia]

Al-Islah Society in Bahrain yesterday condemned “media fabrications” against it as well as attempts to smear its reputation.

The association, which has links with the Muslim Brotherhood, said it was and remains a national Islamic association which “serves the supreme interests of the kingdom and its legitimate leadership”, adding that it works within the framework of the system and the law to serve the people and has no links to any external bodies.

The head of the organisation, Abdullatif Al-Sheikh said: “It is regrettable that some parties accuse our Society, which is known for its sincere and balanced national positions.”

Read: Bahrain shuts down prominent newspaper amid opposition crackdown

He added that the association retains its legitimate right to prosecute anyone who defames it or incites against it.

Last week, Bahraini Foreign Minister Khalid Bin Ahmed Al-Khalifa said: “The Muslim Brotherhood has harmed Egypt and abused the Egyptian people and harmed our countries, and based on this we consider it a terrorist organisation. Bahrain will hold accountable and prosecute all those who cooperate or sympathise with the terrorist group.”

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