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Erdogan to make changes in party before 2019 election

7 years ago
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan delivers a speech in Brussels, Belgium on May 24, 2017 [Kayhan Özer /Anadolu Agency]

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan delivers a speech in Brussels, Belgium on 24 May 2017 [Kayhan Özer /Anadolu Agency]

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Wednesday that Turkey’s ruling Justice and Development (AK) Party will make major changes in its structure before the 2019 elections.

“We have been in continuous struggle in the past 16 years since this party was created, and the 15 years we have ruled the country,” said Erdogan, who also heads the party, while speaking at a council meeting at Giresun, a province by the Black Sea.

“The AK Party’s most important feature is its ability to renovate and renew itself,” he added.

Erdogan said that the 2019 elections were very important for Turkey. “A difficult period of struggle awaits us,” he said.

He said he did not want the AK Party to end up like those before it. “Starting with our organizations, we are determined to bring serious renovation and change to our party,” he said.

Read: Turkish parliament debates constitutional amendments

Erdogan elaborated that he did not want certain groups to infiltrate the party.

Erdogan retook the party reins at an extraordinary congress on 21 May, 2017. For nearly three years prior, as president he was barred from leading the party, but constitutional changes ratified in a public referendum ended that prohibition.

He had led the party for 13 years starting from its foundation in 2001.

During his time as prime minister from 2003-2014 he saw two general elections in which the party returned to power with a greater share of the vote each time.

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