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Iraq closes TV channel for broadcasting songs on Ashura

September 1, 2020 at 12:50 pm

Hundreds of thousands of Iraqi Shia Muslims mark Ashura, the anniversary of the martyrdom of Imam Hussein, in Iraq’s southern city of Karbala on 9 September 2019 [Murtadha Sudani/Anadolu Agency]

The Iraqi National Communications and Media Commission (NCMC) on Saturday ordered the Dijlah Tarab channel to be closed after it broadcast songs during the Shia commemoration of Ashura.

NCMC explained in a statement that its decision aims to protect society from everything that affects its unity and cohesion.

The statement pledged to deter and stop any speech or behaviour affecting the beliefs and feelings of any member of society in accordance with the rules of the media broadcasting regulation.

A Baghdad court also issued an arrest warrant for the channel’s owner, Jamal Al-Karbouli, yesterday, local media reported.

The court said in a statement that the move comes following a complaint filed by a number of lawyers who deemed the move an insult to the rituals of one of the religious sects in Iraq.

The Dijlah channel issued an official apology on behalf of its Dijlah Tarab channel for broadcasting musical programmes on Ashura, explaining that the incident was not “intentional”.

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Angry Iraqi Shia protesters stormed the headquarters of the Dijlah channel in central Baghdad.

Ashura is the tenth day of the first month of the Islamic calendar, Muharam. For Sunni Muslims, Ashura marks the day that Moses and the Israelites were saved from Pharaoh by God creating a path in the Sea.

Shia Muslims mark it as a day of mourning following the martyrdom of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)’s grandson Hussein in 680 AD at Karbala in modern-day Iraq.