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Turkiye eyeing $265bn in exports by end of 2023: President Erdogan

June 17, 2023 at 5:11 pm

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan (C) attends the 30th Ordinary General Assembly of Turkish Exporters Assembly and Export Champions Award Ceremony in Istanbul, Turkiye on June 17, 2023. Murat Kula – Anadolu Agency]

Turkiye is looking to increase its exports to $265 billion by the end of 2023, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Saturday, Anadolu reports.

“Despite the negative global economic outlook, we want to increase our exports to $265 billion at the end of this year and $285 billion next year,” Erdogan said addressing the 30th Ordinary General Assembly of Turkish Exporters Assembly and Export Champions Award Ceremony in Ankara.

“Today, if we have products labeled with the stamp ‘Made in Turkiye’ even in the farthest places of the world, it is our exporters who have the most significant part in this,” he said.

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Erdogan also touched upon the negative effects on economy caused by the Feb. 6 twin earthquakes centered in southern Turkiye.

“The adverse effects of the earthquake on our economy are diminishing day by day,” he said.

“Despite the disaster of the century, our exports continue their strong progress.”

The president also said that Turkiye’s 2028 export target is “$400 billion and above.”

“Hopefully, in 2023, we will witness 2 million health tourists and $3 billion in exports together.”

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