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Erdogan: Gaza has turned into massacres, not self-defence

October 27, 2023 at 12:15 pm

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan makes a speech as he attends the 8th Family Council at the Bestepe Nation’s Convention and Culture Center in Ankara, Turkiye on October 26, 2023. [Aytaç Ünal – Anadolu Agency]

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said yesterday that what we are witnessing in Gaza goes beyond self-defence, it is “injustice, barbarism and massacres”.

He added, in statements reported by Al Jazeera, that “innocent women and children are the majority of the victims and we cannot remain silent about what we see,” noting that “what is happening in Gaza goes beyond self-defence and has turned into injustice, barbarism and massacres.”

The Turkish President stressed that “all Western countries supported the Israeli attack without restriction instead of advising them to remain calm, so where are human rights?”

“They are sending aircraft carriers instead of aid ships, and this is a double standard and a two-faced policy.”

“Whoever is silent about the truth is a dumb devil, and we will not hesitate to speak the truth even if we remain alone,” he continued, asking: “How many children must be killed until a ceasefire is agreed upon?”

In the past 20 days the Israeli occupation army has continued to target Gaza with intense air strikes that have killed 7,028 Palestinians, including 2,913 children, 1,709 women, and 397 elderly people, and injured 18,484 people, in addition to more than 1,650 people missing under the rubble. An unprecedented humanitarian disaster has unfolded as a result of the cut-off of supplies like electricity, water, fuel and treatment in the Gaza Strip.

Read: Turkiye’s Erdogan praised for saying Hamas is not a terror organisation