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Hostages’ families block Tel Aviv street demanding prisoner exchange deal

4 months ago
Families of Israeli hostages carrying photos and banners march to the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's residence to protest against the Israeli government in Jerusalem on February 03, 2024. [Saeed Qaq - Anadolu Agency]

Families of Israeli hostages carrying photos and banners march to the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's residence to protest against the Israeli government in Jerusalem on February 03, 2024. [Saeed Qaq - Anadolu Agency]

Israeli hostages’ families in Gaza closed a main street near the Israeli Ministry of Defence in Tel Aviv on Thursday to demand an immediate deal to release their loved ones, according to Israeli media.

Channel 12 reported that the hostages’ families closed a street leading to the Kirya area in central Tel Aviv, where the Ministry of War is located, 153 days after their relatives were taken hostage.

The protesters raised pictures of the hostages and banners with phrases like “It’s time” and “Deal now”.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu faces criticism from the Israeli public and several politicians over the hostage crisis in Gaza and the failure to reach a path to ensure their safe return. Some accuse him of obstructing their release deal due to “political calculations”.

Earlier on Thursday, Israeli Minister of War Council Gadi Eisenkot remarked: “Without the return of the hostages, there will be no victory in the war.”

Watch: Relative of Israeli hostages says hostages and civilians in Gaza ‘are the ones who are paying the greatest price’ in war

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