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Israel army spokesman says destroying Hamas is like throwing ashes in the public’s eyes

2 weeks ago

Israeli army spokesman Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari in Tel Aviv on October 18, 2023 [GIL COHEN-MAGEN/AFP via Getty Images]

The Israeli army spokesman, Brigadier-General Daniel Hagari, appeared Wednesday to question his army’s ability to destroy the Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, nearly nine months after waging a ruthless war against the besieged Gaza Strip, with the declared goal of destroying the Movement.

“This business of destroying Hamas, making Hamas disappear — it’s simply throwing sand in the eyes of the public,” Hagari told Israel’s Channel 13 TV.

“Hamas is an idea, Hamas is a party. It’s rooted in the hearts of the people — whoever thinks we can eliminate Hamas is wrong,” he added.

He warned that the group will remain in control of the Gaza Strip unless Israel “develops something else to replace it”.

“Something that will make the population realise that someone else is distributing the food, someone else is taking care of public services … to really weaken Hamas, this is the way,” he said.

“If we don’t bring something else to Gaza, at the end of the day we will get Hamas”.

He also said a point must be reached where Israeli captives in Gaza are returned in a manner that is not a military operation, as it would be impossible.

When asked whether the Palestinian Authority could be an alternative to Hamas and intervene in the Gaza Strip, he replied that “it is up to the political level to decide”.

READ: UN Rights office accuses Israel of violating laws of war in Gaza

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