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3m people may die of hunger in Sudan, rights group warns

5 days ago

Mothers wait at a malnutrition centre to register for food aid for their children in the Tiamushro camp for internally displaced persons (IDP) in Kadugli, South Kordofan state, on 17 June 2024 [GUY PETERSON/AFP via Getty Images]

The International Rescue Committee warned that three million people may die of hunger due to the ongoing war in Sudan.

Country Director of the IRC in Sudan, Eatizaz Yousif, said in a statement that “almost half of the country is in a form of humanitarian need.”

Yousif warned that “three million are on the brink of famine,” adding “that is the initial numbers. And the number of people underreported that is being really silently dying is unbelievable because there’s a failure in the health system.”

Sudan, he warned, is not on the global agenda.

She added: “I guess we don’t have a lot of influence. I guess our geographical location is not having a huge importance like Palestine or Syria or even Ukraine. Sudan crisis has been even before us, and we never get that media attention.”

Since mid-April 2023, the Sudanese army, led by Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, and the Rapid Support Forces, led by Mohammad Hamdan Dagalo ‘Hemedti’, have been fighting for power in a war that has killed more than 15,000 and displaced millions, according to the UN.

There have been growing UN and international calls to spare Sudan a humanitarian catastrophe that could push millions to famine and death as a result of food shortages due to the fighting that has spread to 12 out of 18 states in the country.

READ: Over 600,000 refugees flee Sudan to Chad amid conflict: UN agency

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