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China, Arab military officers hold seminars on ‘deeper’ cooperation

4 days ago
Soldiers carry Chinese flag during the opening ceremony of 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics in Beijing, China, 04 February 2022 [Aleksey Kirchu / Anadolu Agency]

Soldiers carry Chinese flag in Beijing, China, 04 February 2022 [Aleksey Kirchu / Anadolu Agency]

Senior military officers from Arab nations are holding seminars on “deeper” security cooperation with Beijing, Chinese state media reported Thursday, Anadolu Agency reports.

The two-week seminars include “specific pathways” to achieve deeper cooperation with Arab nations, Chinese Defence Ministry spokesman, Wu Qian, was quoted in state media.

The “Future-oriented China-Arab Security Cooperation” course at Chinese National Defence University which is hosted by the International College of Defence Studies of the People’s Liberation Army began 18 June.

Wu said participants are being given seminars on China’s foreign policy and China-Arab relations in the new era, China-Arab security cooperation and China’s Global Security Initiative.

“The Chinese military is ready to work alongside militaries of Arab nations to deliver on the Global Security Initiative, deepen strategic mutual trust … so as to build a China-Arab community with a shared future in the new era,” Wu added.

The seminar coincides with a visit to China by Saudi Defence Minister, Prince Khalid Bin Salman Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud.

Khalid Bin Salman separately met the Vice Chairman of China’s Central Military Commission, Zhang Youxia, and Defence Minister, Dong Jun, on Tuesday.

“The strategic mutual trust between the Chinese and Saudi militaries continues to deepen,” said Zhang, hailing the practical cooperation in military-to-military exchanges, personnel training and joint exercises and training.

Dong said the two militaries should “build a more pragmatic and sustained cooperation paradigm featuring higher mutual trust, aiming to provide bilateral relations with long-term, stable and reliable strategic support.”​​​​​​​

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