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Israel demolished 17 homes in West Bank in one day

5 days ago
Israeli army raids Jenin in West Bank

Israeli army bulldozers damage streets around Jenin Refugee Camp, in Jenin, West Bank on June 13, 2024 [Nedal Eshtayah/Anadolu via Getty Images]

Israeli occupation forces demolished 17 homes in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, as well as another home in Israel owned by Palestinian citizens, in one day.

The Israeli army demolished four homes in Jericho, in the east of the West Bank, belonging to Firas Abu Al-Zeit, Kamal Mahmoud Baraka and Samer Hassasna, under the pretext that they were built without planning permits.

In the village of Bitello, west of Ramallah in central West Bank, the Israeli occupation army demolished a three-storey house belonging to Muhammad Wajih Bazar.

In occupied East Jerusalem, the Israeli municipality demolished a house belonging to the Abu Subeih family, in the Wadi Qaddoum neighbourhood in the town of Silwan. The house was demolished manually due to the narrow roads which the army’s bulldozers were unable to travel through.

In the city of Hebron in the southern occupied West Bank, the Israeli occupation army demolished 11 houses and other facilities belonging to the Al-Hathalin family in the Umm Al-Khair community of Masafer Yatta, south of the city.

READ: IDF troops raid Jenin refugee camp in occupied West Bank 

In the city of Kafr Qara, within Israel, bulldozers and Israeli authorities demolished a house which was under construction under the pretext that it was built without a permit.

According to the Wall and Settlement Resistance Authority, the Israeli occupation authorities carried out 47 demolition operations, affecting 66 facilities, including 35 inhabited homes, five uninhabited, and 15 agricultural and other facilities, in the West Bank, including Jerusalem, during the month of May.

The Israeli occupation authorities prevent construction or land reclamation in Area C, which constitutes about 60 per cent of the West Bank area.

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