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Israel lobby defeats black American candidate in ‘most expensive’ primary election campaign

4 days ago
United States Representative Jamaal Bowman hold a press conference with a group of activists, State legislators and actors on the third day of the five-day hunger strike in front of the White House in Washington DC, United States on November 29, 2023. [Celal Güneş - Anadolu Agency]

United States Representative Jamaal Bowman hold a press conference with a group of activists, State legislators and actors on the third day of the five-day hunger strike in front of the White House in Washington DC, United States on November 29, 2023. [Celal Güneş - Anadolu Agency]

In a stunning upset that highlights the growing influence of pro-Israel lobby groups in US politics, New York congressman Jamaal Bowman has been defeated in a primary challenge, due largely to an unprecedented amount of funding for his opponent from AIPAC, the notorious American Israel Public Affairs Committee. The race, which became the most expensive House of Representatives primary in history, saw AIPAC and allied groups pour nearly $25 million into the campaign to unseat the sitting left-wing representative.

A primary challenge in the American political system occurs when an incumbent faces opposition from within their own party for re-nomination. In this case, George Latimer, 70, entered the race in December at the urging of local pro-Israel leaders who were displeased with Bowman’s vocal criticism of the apartheid state.

Bowman, who had accused Israel of genocide and questioned Washington’s support for Tel-Aviv, found himself at the centre of a bitter rift within the Democratic Party. The congressman did not mince words about AIPAC’s involvement, stating, “We should be outraged when a Super PAC of dark money can spend $20 million to brainwash people into believing something that isn’t true.” He accused the organisation of attempting to “buy” the race in New York’s 16th congressional district.

Political analysts suggest that Bowman was particularly vulnerable to this challenge due to his stance on Israel and his association with the progressive “Squad” in Congress. However, his defeat also raises questions about the broader influence of pro-Israel groups on US politics and discourse.

Indeed, this primary race came in the wake of revelations about Israel’s efforts to shape public opinion in the US. Recent investigations have uncovered a coordinated campaign by the Israeli government, run by what has been dubbed a “PR Commando Unit”, aimed at influencing American political discourse and even electoral outcomes. This initiative, which operates under the name “Concert” or “Voices of Israel”, has reportedly allocated millions of dollars to covertly fund government propaganda in the US and other Western countries.

The defeat of Bowman and the targeting of other progressive Democrats like Cori Bush (D-Mo.) by pro-Israel groups signal a concerted effort to shift the Democratic Party towards a more extreme right-ring position on Israel. AIPAC and Democratic Majority for Israel have hailed Bowman’s loss as “a major victory for the Democratic mainstream.”

However, while Bowman’s defeat is a significant blow to the political left, it remains to be seen whether this strategy will be effective against other progressive Democrats who may be better insulated against primary challenges. The race has nonetheless exposed the deep divisions within the Democratic Party over Israel’s settler-colonisation of Palestine and raised important questions about the role of foreign influence over American democracy.

READ: Like America’s enemies, Israel’s ‘digital soldiers’ launched clandestine influence campaign

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