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Meshaal: Al-Aqsa Flood represents a significant shift towards liberation

June 27, 2024 at 8:44 am

Hamas Foreign Chief Khaled Meshaal on 16 December 2021 [Houssam Shbaro/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images]

Al-Aqsa Flood Operation represents a significant and impactful shift towards the stage of liberation for Palestinians, Quds Press reported former Hamas chief Khaled Meshaal.

Speaking in the Lebanese capital Beirut yesterday, Meshaal stressed the urgent and inevitable necessity of organising Palestinian society after the Al-Aqsa Flood Operation, stating that this cannot be postponed.

The Al-Aqsa Flood Operation saw members of the Palestinian resistance infiltrate Israeli towns and villages around the Gaza envelope on 7 October 2023 and take over 150 prisoners of war.

Meshaal said the Palestinian resistance is making sacrifices following the operation, but is achieving results. In contrast, the path of peace agreements incurs losses and makes concessions without achieving results. While the Israeli occupation continues to Judaise Palestinian land and holy sites and expand settlements.

Choosing to confront the Israeli occupation and resisting it has confused and weakened it, he added. This battle, he continued, has changed all the elements on the path to Palestinian liberation and ended the stagnation that had befallen the cause.

Meshaal emphasised the importance of achieving national consensus among all Palestinian factions to navigate the next phases smoothly. The movement remains open to all options to establish the Palestinian framework for the upcoming period.

He stressed the importance of the Palestinian leadership being united and inclusive of all factions in preparation for the post-aggression phase in Gaza and the governance of the Gaza Strip. No power vacuum should be left in Gaza and Hamas should not be excluded from governance in any way, he added.

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