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UN renews mandate on Golan Heights monitoring mission

5 days ago
Israeli tanks are seen in action during a military drill in the Israel-annexed Golan Heights on December 7, 2021 [JALAA MAREY/AFP via Getty Images]

Israeli tanks are seen in action during a military drill in the Israel-annexed Golan Heights on December 7, 2021 [JALAA MAREY/AFP via Getty Images]

The UN Security Council extended a mandate to 31 December for a UN mission monitoring a 1974 ceasefire between Syria and Israel, Anadolu Agency reports.

The unanimously adopted resolution urges all parties to fully cooperate with the operations of the mission, to respect its privileges and immunities and to ensure its freedom of movement, as well as the security of and unhindered and immediate access for UN personnel carrying out the mandate.

The UN Disengagement Observer Force has been stationed in the Golan Heights, a jagged plateau in south-western Syria to monitor a disengagement accord between Syria and Israel, which followed the 1967 Arab-Israeli war.

Israel occupied two-thirds of the territory during initial fighting and annexed it in 1981 — a move never recognised by the international community.

READ: Hezbollah announces attacks against 15 Israeli military sites in Galilee, occupied Golan Heights

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