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Lieberman: Israel is losing war in Gaza

4 days ago
Israel's former finance minister Avigdor Lieberman speaks during a meeting at the parliament, Knesset, in Jerusalem on March 20, 2023 [GIL COHEN/MAGEN/AFP]

Israel's former finance minister Avigdor Lieberman speaks during a meeting at the parliament, Knesset, in Jerusalem on 20 March, 2023 [GIL COHEN/MAGEN/AFP]

The head of the opposition Yisrael Beiteinu Party, Avigdor Lieberman, has said “Israel is losing the war in Gaza,” and warned that “Israeli deterrence has declined to zero”, according to a report by Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper. Lieberman also described Defence Minister Yoav Gallant’s management of the war as a “failure”, adding that he bears direct responsibility after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

He added that in the absence of a clear plan for the war, Israeli soldiers and officers in Rafah are frustrated, and the government is unable to make a decision or to achieve victory in the south or north.

Israel’s Walla website reported earlier this week that the Israeli occupation army is suffering from a shortage of soldiers and is seeking to form a new division to carry out various tasks.

The decision comes as polls revealed that soldiers are critical of the state of uncertainty regarding the continuation of their service, their bearing a heavy burden and suffering fatigue.

There is also great anxiety among reserve soldiers due to fear of the repercussions that the continued fighting would have on their personal, family and work lives, it added.

While Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported that dozens of reserve soldiers announced that they would not return to military service in Gaza, even if they were to be punished.

Media reports also claim that reservists have been leaving Israel and travelling abroad in order not to be called back to service in Gaza.

Read: Israel to promote settlement in the West Bank, Smotrich says

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