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Pro-Palestine students face threat of expulsion from Australia uni

4 days ago
Pro-Palestinian students hold a sit-in in Melbourne on May 15, 2024 at Melbourne University's Arts West building, which the students have temporarily renamed as "Mahmoud's Hall" after Mahmoud Al Haq, a prospective University of Melbourne student, who died in Gaza. [MARTIN KEEP/AFP via Getty Images]

Pro-Palestinian students hold a sit-in in Melbourne on May 15, 2024 at Melbourne University's Arts West building, which the students have temporarily renamed as "Mahmoud's Hall" after Mahmoud Al Haq, a prospective University of Melbourne student, who died in Gaza. [MARTIN KEEP/AFP via Getty Images]

Several students at the University of Melbourne in Australia face suspension or expulsion for participating in pro-Palestine solidarity activities.

The student group Unimelb for Palestine announced on X that the university administration issued notices of alleged misconduct against 19 students.

The group stated that the administration used evidence from CCTV footage and location tracking via the university’s internet connection to identify students, in what they say is a violation of their privacy.

In a petition urging the university to reverse its measures, Unimelb for Palestine wrote: “University of Melbourne have threatened pro-Palestinian students and staff who are peacefully protesting at Mahmoud’s Hall with serious repercussions including, but not limited to, misconduct, enrolment sanctions and possible termination.”

“We, the community, condemn these threats and intimidation made by the University of Melbourne to these brave students and staff, who have been peacefully calling for disclosure and divestment of the University of Melbourne’s ties to weapons manufacturers supplying Israeli Occupation Forces,” the petition continues.

“This only proves the political motivation behind these allegations and

@UniMelb attempt to punish students for challenging its weapons ties,” the group added on X.

Read: 450 Palestinian schoolchildren killed by Israel ahead of high school exams: Education Ministry

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