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Abu Mahfouz: ‘Popular Conference for Palestinians Abroad is not a substitute for PLO’

4 days ago
Pro-Palestinian protests are happening in front of Hagia Sophia Grand Mosque in Istanbul, Turkey, on June 7, 2024. [Photo by Karel Picha/NurPhoto via Getty Images]

Pro-Palestinian protests are happening in front of Hagia Sophia Grand Mosque in Istanbul, Turkey, on June 7, 2024. [Photo by Karel Picha/NurPhoto via Getty Images]

Deputy Secretary-General of the Popular Conference for Palestinians Abroad Hisham Abu Mahfouz remarked: “The Popular Conference does not seek to be an alternative to the Palestine Liberation Organisation, but we do call for the re-arrangement of the Palestinian house and it not to be monopolised by one party.”

He added: “The new Palestinian reality after the Al-Aqsa Flood battle today is centred on the idea of ​​mobilising the national community in support of the rights of our people and their resistance to restore our rights.”

Abu Mahfouz’s statements were made before the launch of the Palestinian National Dialogue Forum on Friday in the Turkish city of Istanbul, which he confirmed: “Will review the challenges and opportunities reflected in the war of genocide and forced displacement in Gaza, and the steadfastness of our people there.” Abu Mahfouz explained that the forum will discuss: “The Palestinian national project and its political system with its historical and current aspects and challenges, and opportunities for reform in the future.”

Abu Mahfouz also stressed: “The need to present national initiatives for discussion and development, and seeking to have them adopted by those gathered, in addition to emphasising national constants.”

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Regarding the most prominent messages of the Palestinian National Dialogue Forum, Abu Mahfouz believes that they are summarised by the need to: “Emphasise the unity of the Palestinian people in all their approaches and rallying behind their right to liberation and return and their right in the Palestinian decision, and highlighting the role and means of support for the Palestinians in Palestine and national dialogue between the various groups of the Palestinian people.”

He revealed that many initiatives and ideas will be presented as part of the forum’s activities, which will serve the Palestinian cause in an attempt to heal the Palestinian rift and end the state of division.

“We have sent an invitation to the various Palestinian national factions, and we invite everyone to the forum. The forum is a platform for dialogue that brings together all Palestinians under the title of preserving national constants and restoring all Palestinian rights.”

Abu Mahfouz responded to those who doubted the effectiveness of political forums: “These dialogue forums bring together the national community on a platform for political discussion and are a means of communication between all Palestinian forces, initiatives and figures.”

He pointed out that the primary goal of the forums is: “To create a platform for dialogue with all figures from different backgrounds and orientations, which may result in joint projects and initiatives that serve the Palestinian cause and the rights of our people.”

The Popular Conference for Palestinians Abroad was established in Istanbul on 25 February, 2017, in a massive gathering of more than 6,000 Palestinians from around the world to activate Palestinians abroad in political participation and national decision-making.

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