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A debate between a senile man and a madman

July 1, 2024 at 5:53 pm

President of the United States Joe Biden and Former President Donald Trump participate in the first Presidential Debate at CNN Studios in Atlanta, Georgia, United States on June 27, 2024. [Kyle Mazza – Anadolu Agency]

The whole world witnessed the first debate between two US presidents, the current president, Joe Biden, and the former president, Donald Trump. It included domestic American issues, such as the economy, immigrants and abortion and, of course, touched on America’s foreign policy, which, of course, focused on the war on Gaza and the Russian war on Ukraine. The two competed in flattering the Zionist enemy to show who is more loving and loyal to the entity and who is more Zionist than the other.

Joe Biden boasted that his administration continues to send intelligence staff to Gaza to find Hamas’s military leaders so that it can eliminate Hamas, as it did with Bin Laden, the leader of Al-Qaeda, killing him in Pakistan in 2011. He likened the Palestinian Resistance movement, Hamas, to Al-Qaeda, aligning with the Zionist state’s position on Hamas.

Biden stressed that his country is the largest source of support for Israel in the world, claiming that Hamas is the only party that wants the war to continue and that his ceasefire plan was approved by everyone, including the Security Council, G7 countries, the Israelis and Netanyahu himself, even though this is a lie and slander and goes against the truth. Hamas did not reject the plan completely but, rather, had some reservations about some of its provisions and demanded they be amended, while the one who rejected it completely was the Prime Minister of the Zionist state, Benjamin Netanyahu. This was confirmed by former President Donald Trump, who revealed Biden’s lies and misguidance, saying that Israel is the only party that wants the war to continue, and that Netanyahu did not agree to the plan. Of course, this is not in defence of Hamas, God forbid! He made his purpose clear, “Actually, Israel is the one (that wants to keep going), and you should let them go and let them finish the job. He (Biden) doesn’t want to do it.” This does not only mean that Israel does not want to stop the war, but it also means that the American President is trying to restrain the Israeli government.

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Trump went too far in courting the Zionists by saying that Biden “He’s become like a Palestinian, but they don’t like him because he’s a very bad Palestinian. He’s a weak one.”

As for Biden, who has always been proud since he was a member of the Senate that he is a Zionist, and “if the state of Israel did not exist, the US would have created it”, was also proud of his role in protecting and saving Israel from Iran and repelling Iran’s attack against Israel. He said, “I’m the guy that organised the world against Iran when they had a full-blown kind of ballistic – ballistic missile attack on Israel. No one was hurt. No – one Israeli was accidentally killed. And it stopped. We saved Israel.”

We were watching a debate about love and flattery for the Zionist state, and who is the most Zionist and the most supportive of the usurping entity. It was a debate that was a resounding scandal for America more than it was for the two men, as the two men competing over presidency of the largest country in the world that is supposed to run the affairs of the world were boasting about declaring their loyalty to a small foreign country whose government is committing a genocide; a racist state that is committing ethnic cleansing against the Palestinians. This is proof of the decadence and misery that the United States of America, the most powerful country in the world, has reached.

No one argues that the debate demonstrated Biden’s weakness and lack of mental focus, which shocked the White House staff. CNN quoted a White House official as saying that group text messages were exchanged between the staff after the debate saying that it was “not good” and that everyone was deflated and pessimistic.

As for Biden, he appeared hours after the debate with Trump, confirming his intention to win the US elections next November, and stressing his intention to run in the presidential race, despite his poor performance. He said at a rally in North Carolina, “I know I’m not a young man. I don’t walk as easily as I used to. I don’t talk as smoothly as I used to. I don’t debate as well as I used to, but I know what I do know: I know how to tell the truth. I know right from wrong. And I know how to do this job; I know how to get things done. And I know what millions of Americans know: When you get knocked down, you get back up.”

Despite Biden’s poor performance in the debate, his lack of focus, and his confusion in many situations, Trump was not much better than him. Both have hit the bottom, and both of them indicate the stagnation and misery that the state of the political class has reached in the US, the world superpower and the only pole in the world that manages the affairs of the world. I wonder whether America, with a population of 341,801,048 people, has sterilised the most promising young people to lead this great empire and, therefore, found no one else other than this senile person who forgets the names of presidents and the names of countries, or the idiot who is facing cases against him in courts, and both are almost 80 years old.

If the two major parties in America, the Democratic Party and the Republican Party, do not present candidates other than Biden and Trump, then America will dig its own grave and disappear. The countdown for the largest empire in the modern era has begun, and this is how the sun of empires set and their star fades and disappears. This is what history has taught us.

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The views expressed in this article belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect the editorial policy of Middle East Monitor.