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Israel sees 800 senior army officers resign this year

July 2, 2024 at 12:03 pm

Israeli army soldiers patrol around a position along Israel’s southern border with the Gaza Strip on June 13, 2024 [JACK GUEZ/AFP via Getty Images]

More than 800 senior Israeli army officers with the rank of colonel and lieutenant colonel have submitted their resignations this year, local media have reported. This is an unprecedented figure in Israeli military history.

According to the reports, the resignations come under complex circumstances that include internal security and political tensions, in addition to increasing pressure on the Israeli army in dealing with difficult field conditions in multiple conflict zones.

The media quoted military sources as saying that these resignations constitute a major challenge for the army, as the loss of such a large number of high-ranking officers could affect its efficiency and readiness to face future security challenges.

The Israeli army is currently working to address this crisis by strengthening training programmes and psychological support for officers. Internal policies are being reviewed to improve service conditions and attract more candidates.

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